Monday, 4 August 2014

Industries Where Timelapse Video Is in High Demand

Your first confrontation with camera would have been as a photo capturing device. However, this device is now used to create high quality timelapse video, which is used for various purposes in different industries. Nowadays many industries use these videos to record their work process or project progress in order to include it in their presentations and proposals in future. Obviously a picture is worth thousand words, so complete video would be even better than that.

There are various industries which uses this new technology on scope for preparing their profile video with help of timelapse photographer.

Companies That Use a Timelapse Photographer to Record Video

There are some companies which use this technology quite frequently and therefore made into this list,

Construction agencies – Construction agencies are among the top users of this technology. As said earlier, these videos are recorded to assess the progress of events. In that context one video for construction agencies need to be recorded at stretch of months or maybe years. Once recording is done, frames are cascaded wisely to create a flowing construction timelapse video.

Wildlife filming industries – In wildlife filming industry this technology is used to record activities of living creature in a given habitat. It may be focused towards any particular animal as well. Capturing such video is a difficult task for a timelapse photographer, as movement of animals can’t be controlled for effective recording. For filming such videos more cameras are used, which cover wide angles from various locations.
In others biological centers use it for recording development of seeds, saplings etc. Timelapse video is also recorded for capturing events like sunset, sunrise, movement of stars etc. Most important in this type of video recording is patience.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Increase in the Demand of an Architectural Photographer Today

In countries like Australia requirement of architectural photographer is increasing in numbers. How suddenly this requirement which was moderate till now is increasing now. Australia is counted among the few of developed countries of the world. With such a huge reputation Australia need to have best quality infrastructure in both personal and commercial sphere. Requirement of high quality infrastructure need good architectural support. With so much happening in Australia, a photographer Sydney has a great chance to prove their mettle in architectural photography, which is becoming popular with pace.

Though demand for this field of photography is high but as an architectural photographer you need to have knowledge of few techniques which is unique for this type of photography.

Techniques a Photographer in Sydney Must Possess for Architectural Photography

As you know mediocre photographer can only impress people, but if you want to get wow reaction for your works you need to learn hidden arts of your profession, and same is applied to architectural photography. Here are a few simple tips for a photographer to improve on:

Judgment of light – Whole photography mystery is behind the judgment of light. You must know what kind of light you need for architectural photography. According to experts’ time of within few minutes of sunrise or before sunset is considered to be the best time for this style of photography.

Patience – Due to the length of duration of architectural photography, a photographer Sydney needs to have a high degree of patience in order to finish their task with the best of shots. Otherwise, their impatience may wipe out the hard work.

Apart from this, an architectural photographer needs to understand his/her camera and its accessories in order to extract the best-quality performance from it.